Неопасный резидентный зашифрованный вирус. Перехватывает INT 21h и записывается в конец COM- и EXE-файлов при их запуске. Не заражает файлы: TB*.*, SC*.*, DV*.*, MS*.*, XC*.*. 7-го марта выводит текст и завешивает компьютер:
The Black Tide
Beware the black tide, crucified of the sun, Its web of intrigue is already spun, Onslought relentless, blood drawn till you drop, Onslought relentless, at your death does it stop. Lives in the darkness then eclipses the light, Hate gives it power and passion to fight. With hunger of the moon it seeks human will, Fight to the death, it's battle cry is shrill, A screech of defiance that splits time and space, Shatters human souls without any grace. Slowly preparing on weak human souls, One day to fight Death, the ultimate of goals, For Death is the one its scream cannot shatter, This shrillest of screams can destroy only matter, Black Tide will not accept defeat of this sort, So it practices more, as human souls are sought, Population slowly crumbles, and soon we'll be gone, Soon after replaced by shrill blackened dawn.
- Written by the Methyl-Lated Spirit - Dedicated to Karma... I love you Karma :(((( - You out there! *PLEASE* don't do crack :((((
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Beware the [Black Tide] of The Methyl-Lated Spirit